Training cycles
The training cycles screen gives you the opportunity to plan your workouts more strategically. A training cycle is a set of workouts that aim to achieve specific training goals over a specific period of time. A training cycle can be associated with a single athlete.
In the app, goals can be defined in relation to three types of cycles:
- macrocycles (these are usually cycles of several months)
- mesocycles (usually cycles of several weeks)
- microcycles (cycles of several weeks).
Training cycles can be related to one athlete. Within a training cycle you can define:
- overall goals
- the colour of the cycle, which will be highlighted on the calendar
Copying cycles
After preparing training cycles for one athlete, it is possible to copy them to another athlete. To do this, select the longest cycle (e.g. macro-cycle), select the “Copy” option. Then select the athlete for whom the cycle is to be copied. In addition, select the “Copy subcycles” option. In this way, all cycles (mesocykles and microcycles) containing the selected cycle will be copied.
When copying, it is also possible to select the target date of the cycles after copying. That is, if the copied macro cycle started on October 1, it is possible to select that after copying to new athletes, the cycles will start on January 1, for example. Then all the dates in the cycles will be shifted by the corresponding number of days.
Please make sure that the athletes have no other cycles in this period already. In this case copying will fail to not make mess in cycles calendar.